Shared values, ethical principles and correct behaviors: the Compliance inside BTicino
Compliance means conformity to, respect of, observance of and adherence to laws and regulations, to the rules set forth by the sector Authorities or by the Certification bodies, to the company’s policies and procedures. But there’s something more: Compliance also means conformity to, respect of, observance of and adherence to the ethical values and principles generally acknowledged and shared, to the Code of Ethics that the Company adopted through the implementation of the Group’s Charters and Guides.
All BTicino’s employees and its business partners are required to respect the rules of Compliance, that represent the basis for any professional and commercial relationship.
Organizational Model (``Modello Organizzativo``) - Legislative Decree no. 231/2001

Pursuant to the Legislative Decree no. 231 issued on June 8th, 2001, BTicino S.p.A. decided to implement an Organizational Model (so called “Modello Organizzativo”). This document specifies, by summing them up, all those behaviors that all employees and any third party the Company enters in contact with must adopt, in order to prevent the risk of crimes as set forth by the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. If these crimes, in fact, are committed in the interest or for the benefit of the Company, the Company itself is considered, by law, responsible as well and is exposed to a high risk of sanctions. 

Charter of Fundamental Principles
Legrand Group has been able to show its capability to face the many changes, by taking into account the interests of its employees and without losing what represents its real essence, its culture. Thus, we consider important to point out and to formalize the main principles that characterize our Group, giving it its strength, in order to better affirm and spread them. And this is, indeed, the real purpose of the document named “Charter of Fundamental Principles of Legrand Group”. This Charter is addressed to all Group employees and partners, defining the set of rules of conduct to be followed in the context of our activities.
This document points out the values we believe in and that we look for in our partners, as well as the way we would like to distinguish ourselves as a Company.
The principles referred to in this document are in compliance with our activities and our specific needs and provide us with a frame where to operate in. And, most importantly, this document reflects our way to understand and run business, points out the values we believe in and that we look for in our partners, as well as the way we would like to distinguish ourselves as a Company.
Ethical behavior, customer orientation, resources development, innovation are the values our management philosophy is based on. These values are deep-rooted inside the Company, have been built up over time and represent our Company culture. We spread them inside the Company, through the management principles, as well as toward externals, in the relationships we build up with our partners.
Fair Competition Charter
Among the general principles, that must direct the behavior and the conduct of the Group, of its employees and partners, as defined inside the Charter of Fundamental Principles, the respect of legality and of antitrust law represents a key value: a healthy and fair competition, in fact, grants the well-functioning of the markets and promotes the long-term innovation. Notwithstanding what above, this type of approach finds its raison d’être only if any cooperator endorses it, by contributing, day by day, to its promotion in the management of our business relationships. Any breach committed by even only one employee, in fact, risks to expose BTicino and Legrand Group to judiciary actions by the competent authorities, with consequent strong financial and criminal sanctions.
A healthy and fair competition grants the well-functioning of the markets and promotes the long-term innovation
The Fair Competition Charter uses clear and simple words, with aim of allowing a better comprehension of the implied legal principles and has the purpose of increasing the sensibility towards practices and rules related to competition. Even if it does not include the overall texts and rules that regulate the competition area, nor the entire set of risks, the Charter provides with a description of the main situations that could put at risk the Company and the Group.
It is necessary to understand that any behavior and practice having, as a consequence, the alteration or the reduction of the competition on a specific market, regardless if purposely or not, shall lead us to a strong surveillance.
Guide to Best Business Practices
Ethics is one of our Group’s core values. This can be seen, in particular, in the constant respect shown by us all for best business practice.
This Guide to Best Business Pratice is also designed to convey our commitment to our partners, suppliers, customers and sub-contractors
The respect of the best business practice indicated in the Guide applies to all employees, managers and people acting in the name or on behalf of the Legrand Group. This Guide applies also to any third parties Legrand Group do business with.
Deeply committed to its values, the Legrand Group ensures that all its activities are carried out ethically and, as such, does not tolerate any form of corruption or fraud. This Guide is intended to help employees identify situations that risk leading to illegal behaviour, as well as to properly manage such situations.