Customs and MADE-IN
In recent years greater attention has been paid to the origin of products, particularly the country of origin and how this aspect is communicated (“made in”,…). The legislations of almost all the countries of the world, including Italy, are concentrating attention on the correct declaration of the origin of the goods put on the market. This interest derives from the need to apply the correct duty in view of the customs tariffs correlated to the trade agreements between the countries involved, as well as the legislator’s desire to enable the consumer to make informed choices.
It is indispensable for BTicino to have the information concerning the origin of purchased products.

For easier exchange of information, BTicino has set up an informatics platform to make the activity of sending and certifying information as easy as possible. Through this tool, which will be used together with other existing tools, the supplier can communicate the information required in a really simply way, compiling fields by the side of the list of parts supplied.

Naturally when compiling the fields the supplier should adhere to legal requirements, in particular:

  • NON-PREFERENTIAL ORIGIN: the supplier is asked to indicate the country where the working or latest substantial transformation took place, as laid down by art. 60 and 61 of CE Reg. 952/2013;
  • PREFERENTIAL ORIGIN: a declaration is required according to the procedures laid down by CE Reg. 1617-2006.